Man in front of wall painted with flags of all countries

Perspectives: Monthly Analyses from CIC

Publication: Analysis

Over the past five years, the CIC team has produced a vast library of insightful analysis in response to urgent international issues.

Initially launched in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in February/March 2020, the CIC Perspectives series has evolved into a regular go-to resource for high-level policymakers and others in the multilateral space to read in-depth, thoughtful, and concise commentary—authored by experts on the CIC staff and fellows group. Topics covered in each issue span from reform at the United Nations, international financing, and sustainable development to peacebuilding and prevention, protracted crises, the humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus, current polycrisis, displaced populations, people-centered justice, and fragile- and conflict-affected states, to name just a few.






All opinions and views expressed in this article solely represent the views of the authors and the Center on International Cooperation at New York University. Support was provided through generous contributions from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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