Four people wade through flooding and over debris that has collected between buildings in Pakistan following a monsoon.

Leaving No One Behind in an Age of Crisis: Equality, inclusion and the links to climate and other SDGs

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 | 8:15AM – 9:30AM (ET)

Church Center of the United Nations
777 United Nations Plaza
New York NY, 10017

*A light breakfast will be provided.


The Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies (NYU Center on International Cooperation) is pleased to host the UN High-Level Political Forum 2023 side event: Leaving No One Behind in an Age of Crisis: Equality, inclusion and the links to climate and other SDGs, featuring the launch fo the “Inequality Solutions” online platform.

What are the key interlinkages between addressing inequality and exclusion and other parts of the SDG agenda, including addressing climate change and green transitions? Can we learn from the policies applied around the world to not only shelter populations from crisis, but address historical injustices and deep-seated inequalities in power, wealth, and access to services? What lessons can we take forward to put us on a pathway to success by 2030?

Join us for an event to discuss how to develop policies that effectively address the climate crisis and promote green transitions while achieving the imperative of leaving no one behind. The discussion will draw from national government representatives and experts, and will feature the launch of the new “Inequality Solutions” online portal, a repository of policies from around the world.


  • Keynote speakerH.E. Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning, Indonesia
  • Remarks from: H.E. Leonor Zalabata Torres, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations, Colombia
  • Additional contributions from governments and civil society

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