Global Peace Operations Review: 2019

Publication: Report

After several years at a crossroads, United Nations peace operations took a definitive turn in 2019, shifting away from large, multidimensional, “conflict management” operations toward models that are smaller, more flexible, and have greater reliance on partnerships.

This edition of Peace Operations Review surveys a year of reforms, the twentieth anniversary of the first protection of civilians mandate, and innovative approaches to peace operations transitions.

Peace Operations Review 2019 takes stock of recent trends in peace operations. With articles from Alexandra Novosseloff, Marc Jacquand, and Paige Arthur, the review:

  • Summarizes five key trends in peace operations, touching on the issues of UN reform, the role of the Security Council, transitions, an enhanced “spectrum” of peace operations, and resources vs. mandates
  • Examines UNAMID’s innovative approaches to the forthcoming transition in Darfur Surveys the current state of affairs of protection of civilians mandates, with proposals for greater focus on risk management

Download the 2019 edition

Past Editions

  • Publication: Report May 31, 2018 Prevention-Peacebuilding-Protracted Crises

    Global Peace Operations Review 2018: Year in Review

    This report adds context to reform processes by documenting a number of other developments in peace operations, including operational, strategic, and financial challenges, debates over the values and practices to which peacekeeping should adhere, and progress – or lack thereof – made toward gender parity and geographical diversity among UN leadership.

  • Publication: Report January 29, 2016 Prevention-Peacebuilding-Protracted Crises

    Global Peace Operations Review 2015: Annual Compilation

    Peace operations have evolved significantly over this decade and the way we analyzed them also had to change. While well received in the peace operations community in New York, the heavy books were expensive to produce and did not travel well. CIC wanted to get the analysis and data into the hands of a wider range of policymakers, those serving in peace operations in the field, and, most importantly, the citizens of those countries that rely on peace operations for their security.

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