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Habib Mayar

Habib Mayar is a Visiting Scholar at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation (CIC) and serves as the Deputy General Secretary of the g7+ Secretariat in Dili, Timor-Leste.

With 16 years of experience in development cooperation, aid management, peacebuilding, and state-building, he has been instrumental in shaping policy and advocacy initiatives since joining the g7+ Secretariat in 2013. He has significantly contributed to the group’s efforts to become a leading voice for countries affected by conflict and fragility, spearheading endeavors to improve the effectiveness of international cooperation in these regions. His work includes advocating for the inclusion of a standalone goal on peace, justice, and inclusive, effective states in Agenda 2030. He also played a prominent role in consolidating the group, resulting in a charter lodged at the United Nations (UN).

He actively participates in global policy discussions on aid effectiveness, peacebuilding, state-building, and realizing Agenda 2030. He has represented the g7+ at various international forums, contributing to a better understanding of fragility and stability. Notably, he led the g7+ mission seeking observer status at the UN, which was granted in 2019.

Before joining the g7+ Secretariat, he served as the Head of the Aid Coordination Unit in the Ministry of Finance in Afghanistan for five years. The Aid Coordination Unit acted as a central repository of aid information for Afghanistan and was the government’s focal point for grants and loan negotiations, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of development aid.

He has authored several blogs and articles on related matters, including a chapter on the g7+ featured in the “Handbook of Fragile States.”

His background reflects the resilience of many Afghans. Having fled his country during the Russian occupation in the 1980s, he grew up in a refugee camp in Pakistan.

He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration.

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