Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Jordan, Mexico, and Norway — with the facilitative support of the Center on International Cooperation and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs — have joined efforts in the initiative UN70: A New Agenda with a view to presenting recommendations to the next UN Secretary-General (SG).
The initiative is led by the participating states, but has benefited from input from a number of experts and stakeholders both within and outside the UN system. The initiative has five key messages for #NextSG:
- Exercise strong and impartial leadership and show independence, accountability, efficiency and integrity as a manager.
- Place conflict prevention at the heart of the UN’s peace and security agenda.
- Push to implement Agenda 2030, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement through advocacy, coherent UN support and deeper partnerships.
- Adopt new approaches to effectively respond to humanitarian needs, while strengthening prevention, protection and resilience.
- Advocate for respect for human rights for all and reduce the implementation gap.