About this document
On 14 April 2021, ministers from a diverse group of countries met at the Ministerial Meeting on Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies through Justice for All. The ministers endorsed a Joint Letter to the UN Secretary-General and agreed to form a Justice Action Coalition, aiming to forge new partnerships and strengthen collaboration across borders.
On 11 November 2021, the senior level meeting of the Justice Action Coalition discussed increased collaboration in the lead up to the 2023 SDG Summit. The agreed Joint Action Plan includes a list of national and international priorities as well as joint deliverables. These joint deliverables will be produced by and with partner organizations working on people-centered justice.
Partner organizations jointly and severally embarked upon the implementation of the joint deliverables, regular progress updates during every Senior Level, Justice Action Coalition meeting including at the World Justice forum in 2022.
This overview of the Joint Deliverables is based on the updates from partner organizations that were delivered at the most recent Senior Level meeting on 30 March 2023. It provides detail on the workstreams and joint deliverables, emerging plans and partnerships. All these will continue to be refined in the coming months and other partners and member countries are always welcome to contribute to this work.