This is the second edition of the Global Peace Operations Review (GPOR) annual compilation. It is the first to collect a full year’s worth of content from the website in a single publication.
Using an online platform allows us to constantly innovate, and we plan to continue to evolve between these annual releases. Producing the annual compilation allows GPOR to curate this material thematically in a fully searchable and citable electronic book. Like last year, the book will be available for free online. It will also be available for a modest fee to cover costs as a print-on-demand edition via Amazon.
For those implementing and studying UN peace operations, 2015 was the “year of reviews.” In June there was the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations, formally titled Uniting Our Strengths for Peace, but affectionately known as the HIPPO report. In the same month, the Advisory Group of Experts (AGE) for the 2015 Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture delivered its report, The Challenge of Sustaining Peace. In October 2015, Preventing Conflict, Transforming Justice, Securing the Peace was the report of the Global Study on the Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325. 2016 was the year the system digested this vast body of information. These reports identified many complex issues beyond the mandate of the outgoing UN Secretary-General. His so-called implementation report picked the low-hanging fruit from the HIPPO, but much remained to be debated. The content of the Review in 2016 can therefore be regarded as capturing much of this unfinished business. These are the difficult challenges being passed to the new Secretary-General for implementation in 2017 and beyond.
Video Transcript
Music plays
On screen text: The Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, produced from 2006-2013
Scenery: An image of the cover of the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2006 appears on the screen. Stays for a moment, and then disappears. Next, an image of the cover of the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2007 appears on the screen. Stays for a moment, and then disappears. Images of the covers for 2008-2013 appear on the screen in this fashion one after the other.
On screen text: After a decade of producing the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, the Center on International Cooperation at NYU evolved this publication series into a website.
Scenery: A screenshot of the website appears on screen. The website scrolls past and lands on the “Featured Content” section. Two images appear–one on the left is a man walking through a field, on the right is a graph. Article titles appear beneath each image. There are arrows on either side of the screen.
On Screen Text: Featured Content: When Should Blue Helmets Walk Away from Conflict (Richard Gowan, beneath left image); UN Peace Operations by the Numbers (Jim Delia-Giacoma and Ryan Rappa, beneath right image).
Scenery: The previous images disappear and two more images appear under the “Featured Content” section–one on the left is of a man in a blue helmet beside a plane; one on the right is a group of men standing outdoors and talking. Article titles appear beneath each image. There are arrows on either side of the screen.
On Screen text: Featured Content: No Caveats, Please? Breaking a Myth in UN Peace Operations (Alexandra Novosseloff, beneath left image); Challenges for Human Rights Sections of UN Peace Operations (Alexis Guidotti, beneath right image)
Scenery: The Featured Content disappears.
On screen text: Every year, the website content is curated into an electronic publication, that can be cited, Global Peace Operations Review
Scenery: An orange triangle moves from left to right under the phrase: Global Peace Operations Review.
On screen text: downloaded for free,
Scenery: An orange triangle falls through the text and then through an upward-facing orange bracket below the text
On screen text: or purchased at cost as a print-on-demand book.
Scenery: An orange triangle travels from left to right under a green box that says “$ Checkout”.
Scenery: The cover of the Global Peace Operations Review Annual Compilation 2015 appears on screen. Stays for a moment and then disappears.
On screen text: This e-book allows readers to hyperlink back to the website content, including original maps.
Scenery: An image of a map appears on screen, titled “United Nations Peace Operations 2015. Stays for a moment and then disappears.
On screen text: This e-book also is linked to the site’s featured data.
Scenery: Blue text reading “Featured Data” enters the screen from the bottom. An image of a graph titled “UN Peacekeepers during US Presidencies, 1990-present” fades in beneath the heading, then fades out. Another graph, titled “UNMISS Protection of Civilians, 2014-present”, fades in and then fades out. A third graph, titled “Current UN Peacekeeping Operations: Number of Years Active” fades in and then fades out. A fourth graph, titled “UN Senior Appointments by Gender, 2015-2017”, fades in and then fades out, along with the Featured Data heading.
On screen text: The 2016 Global Peace Operations Review Annual Compilation has now been published.
Scenery: The cover of the Global Peace Operations Review Annual Compilation 2016 fades in and then moves to the side to make room for on screen text.
On screen text: Download it here:
Music stops
On screen text: Global Peace Operations Review, @PeaceOpsCIC
Download the Global Peace Operations Review Annual Compilation 2016
Access and download the Annual Compilation 2015
Purchase the Annual Compilation 2016 via Amazon
Note: CIC derives no income from the print-on-demand version of this publication and we are making it available at cost price for those who would like to access it in the paperback format.