Data for Peace Conference 2023 Program
Data for Peace Conference 2023 • Day 5
Time (ET) | Friday October 20 |
08:00 – 09:00 Panel Discussion | Session 1: Using Crowdsourced Data to Address Sexual Violence UN Women states that 1 in 3 women face some kind of sexual assault at least once in their lifetime. But in our experience, these statistics are grossly under reported especially in India where a rape occurs every 20 mins in India. Yet most women and girls do not talk about this abuse for a multiple of reasons—fear of society, culture, victim blaming, fear of police, tedious formal procedures etc. As a result women keep silent and this data is not captured anywhere leading to under communication and under reporting of the issue. This session’s objective is to discuss our work in creating awareness around the sexual harassment and abuse and get women and other disadvantaged communities to break their silence to report their personal experiences. The Red Dot Foundation collates this information to showcase location-based trends and make this information available and useful for individuals, communities, and local administration to solve the problem at the hyper-local level. They will also discuss how they create safe spaces for innovative projects for violence prevention and community resilience and an upcoming project to create a new data set that is currently unavailable and make the problem visible, as well as providing citizens with actionable data to advocate for themselves. Organizer: Red Dot Foundation Global Speakers Sophie Sandberg, Founder of ChalkBack Inc Tara Ulvila, Lead for Safecity at Project for Equality Myrian Castello, Co-Founder of The Dream Factory Camila Gomide, Red Dot Foundation Global, Brazil Moderator: ElsaMarie DSilva, Founder, Red Dot Foundation Global |
09:15 – 09:45 Short Presentation | Session 2: The Violence & Impacts Early-Warning System (VIEWS) Preventing and containing armed conflict remains a top priority for policymakers and practitioners worldwide. Early action, however, requires early warning. Our 1st generation Violence Early-Warning System covered the African continent. It combined structural variables, historical conflict data, and proven machine learning algorithms into a system producing monthly conflict forecasts as probabilities of future violence exceeding a predefined threshold of conflict-related fatalities. In this session, we present some of our planned and ongoing research and product developments. Notably, in addition to forecasting the probability of conflict, we have enhanced our (now 3rd gen) system to also estimate the expected number of conflict fatalities. The geographical scope has also been expanded and now covers sub-national levels in Africa as well as the Middle East, and provides global coverage at the country level. We will showcase the data used in our models, explain how we make forecasts using ensembles of machine learning algorithms, and demonstrate how you can access, visualize, interpret, and use our data for crisis prevention and anticipatory action. Organizer: Violence & Impacts Early-Warning System (VIEWS) Speakers Angelica Lindqvist-McGowan, Operations and Outreach Manager, VIEWS, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University Simon Polichinel von der Maase,SeniorResearcher, VIEWS (Peace Research Institute Oslo) |
10:00 – 11:00 Panel Discussion | Session 3: Leveraging AI in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs: Transformative opportunities and future applications In a world grappling with unprecedented challenges, encompassing intricate geopolitical conflicts, urgent humanitarian crises, and emerging cyber threats, the demand for innovative, data-centric foreign policy and diplomacy has grown more pronounced than ever before. As the world faces complex challenges, AI potentially offers a tool to help navigate these complexities and drive innovation in international relations. Our session assembles a diverse panel of experts, representing various fields, to investigate the profound potential of AI in reshaping the landscape of global diplomacy and foreign policy. As host of this session, the Data Innovation Lab will present the outcomes of our recent workshop conducted with foreign policy experts in exploring where AI can potentially augment their work, and where it should not be applied due to ethical, privacy and other concerns. Our distinguished guest speakers will share their firsthand experiences of implementing AI within the realms of foreign policy and international organizations. Following their presentations, we will delve into an engaging follow-up discussion to explore deeper into their insights and expertise. Organizer: Data Innovation Lab @ German Federal Foreign Office Speakers Hans-Christian Mangelsdorf, Chief Data Scientist, German Foreign Office Martin Waehlisch, Team leader, UN DPPA Anusha Dandapani, Chief Data and Analytics, United Nations International Computing Center Moderator: Dr Amandine Gnanguenon,Senior Advisor to the German Federal Foreign Office, Data Innovation Lab |
11:15 – 11:45 Short Presentation | Session 4: The Arab Risk Monitor: Measuring complex risks for data-driven, evidence-based policy making Organizer: Conflict and Development Section, UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Lebanon Speakers Raffaele Bertini, Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCWA Hong Pum Chung, Statistician, UNESCW |
12:00 – 12:30 Short Presentation | Session 5: Getting Data Ready for Policy – Designing a Climate-Conflict-Vulnerability Index We will present our development of the Climate-Conflict-Vulnerability Index. The index combines different data from the three pillars Climate, Conflict and Vulnerability and allows policymakers to investigate areas of the world, where the intersection of these three dimensions present compound risk. While many other indexes are available only on a very low spatial and temporal (i.e. national and annual) resolution, the CCVI has a 0.5°x0.5° spatial and quarterly temporal resolution. Thus, allowing a more detailed analysis for policy-makers. The development is done by the Center for Crisis Early Warning (CCEW) from the University of the Bundeswehr and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) for the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and is planned to be completed by the end of 2025. In the presentation we will show the scientific development and challenges of the index as well as how we plan to integrate this into our policy making at the GFFO. Organizer: : German Federal Foreign Office – PREVIEW and CCEW |
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